Lockdown Broswer says I've modified it

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Community Novice

I could log into lockdown broswer, but for some reason when I tried to take the exam, it said I have modified something and I don't recall doing anything of the sort. It won't let me take the exam and I had to take it on paper. Has anyone else got this issue or know what is causing it? I also reinstalled it and attempted to use the fix application, but it didn't work. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @TiffanyWid,

As Lockdown Browser is a 3rd party software application, I would suggest trying to contact Repondus, the makers of that application.  Users here in the Instructure Community can answer a lot of questions about Canvas LMS and other Instructure products, but 3rd party systems will be very hit or miss depending on whether anyone else has experience with those systems, and this sounds like a very technical issue that their support will hopefully be able to troubleshoot for you.

Good luck, hope you. are able to get this resolved quickly!


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