Late policy applying differently to different students--unclear why

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Hi all! I help coordinate a lab with many TAs and have been hearing from a lot of them that the automatic late policy (10% reduction per day for up to two days after the due date) sometimes doesn't get correctly applied.

Examples of this:

•Student turned in the quiz late, but Canvas did not mark it as late or automatically deduct the correct number of points--this seems to be the most common issue

•Student turned in the quiz only 1 day late but Canvas automatically deducted 30-40% of the points (which shouldn't even be possible since students can only turn in the quiz up to 2 days after the due date, which would only be a 20% deduction)

•Canvas automatically adds negative fudge points to the quiz after it is submitted for unknown reasons (not sure if this is directly related to the late penalty, but I don't know any other reason Canvas would be automatically adding a penalty).

If anybody has insight as to what could be causing any of these issues (or any ideas on things for me to check or try) that would be amazing! Thanks in advance!

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @RenGH!

This is definitely an interesting occurrence of events. My first thought would be to reach out to Canvas Support to have them investigate the cause. If you click the grade for a student in the grade book and check the late penalty it should say how many days late it is reading it as. If the days late value seems to be correct then I recommend checking the grade book history to see if anyone else might have been making changes to grades. 

If the days late value does not match the time stamp of the student's submission then definitely reach out to Canvas Support to have it investigated.

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