Community Member

I would like to write equations along with text. For example,


\det \begin{pmatrix}

a & b


c & d


= ad-bc.


Please tell me how to do this.

2 Solutions
Community Champion

Hello @takiskon anywhere that you have the Rich Content Editor (RCE) if you click on the icon to add an equation, LaTeX is supported.  



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Community Member

Canvas and Windows share a lot of **not right** properties. Both are plagued by
annoying features, cluttered icons, and poorly designed interfaces that are
rigid and difficult to work with.

Instead of enhancing productivity, they often waste time.
In today's world, many people, unable to think freely, rely on the
Windows operating system and social media, both of which are find intrusive
and extremely limiting.

They work well for those who struggle to use their logical faculties and choose
to remain slaves to advertisements, corporations, and are easily susceptible to

As a result, I NEVER using them. Alas, I am FORCED to use canvas.
If I weren't I'd have my own page written in some nice language.

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