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Jan 1 at 0.00 Error

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We are finding submissions made by students dated and time as the 1st of January at 0:00.

With "time to attempt this 46,412 minutes".

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Some of these submissions do not appear in our system until several days after the 1st.

We have had five these past two days.




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1 Solution

Hi @NatalieCussell 

If you want to avoid a situation where students are in the quiz forever because they never submit, you need to 'force' a close, for example via due date, available to, or quiz duration. You can still let them have multiple attempts, and you could capture their achievement over multiple attempts via Mastery Outcomes.

You are seeing 1 January midnight because somewhere in your configuration there is a 'hard stop' that forces the end of the attempt to be that date eg term end date, section end date, course end date etc.

This is a relatively trivial issue for formative assessment, much more important for summative

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