Is Canvas getting rid of embedding google docs?

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As an instructor, I keep getting messages every time I embed a google doc that this feature is going away this year.  I'm curious why this is and what will replace it.  I find google docs so useful and thus don't understand why CANVAS would stop using it.  I hope I am misinterpreting these messages, any clarification would be helpful. 

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @kflint1,

If you see that message, your school/institution is still using what's considered to be an older integration with Google that will soon be removed from Canvas.  The good news is that there is a newer Google integration that your school/institution can upgrade to (but I think you will need to re-embed things after the upgrade if I understand things correctly).  Hopefully your local Canvas team there already has a plan for this upgrade, but it wouldn't hurt for you to reach out and ask them.  The Canvas team is usually located in the eLearning, IT, or Digital Education areas.

I hope this info helps!


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