Integrating microsoft teams in self hosted canvas- developer key

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I am using Microsoft authentication in my self-hosted installation, and it is working. Now, I am trying to connect teams with myself hosted canvas.

I found some documentation and YouTube videos, and some articles.

It seems like I need LTI 1.3 key, but it seems like the developer key is not available in self-hosted canvas.

Can I integrate Microsoft teams with self-hosted canvas? (And get the same type of functionalities).

I am confused about what do I enter for LTI developer key values (screen below) or where can I download those keys.

Do I need to make any changes in office365 admin?

I am confused to see there is no documentation for this for self-hosted canvas. Any help?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Basically all of the values that you need to add the developer key for the Microsoft Teams integration will actually be received from Microsoft teams.  I was able to locate a Microsoft support page about setting up the integration and it may be helpful for you to use in setting up your integration.

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