Inject JS snippet to Canvas

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HI all!

Did someone try to add a Javascript snippet to their Canvas page? If so, can you share how you did it? 
I'm trying to implement Intercom on my Canvas page. 


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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @TomPesach,

I believe the only really supported way of including Javascript/CSS in Canvas is through the Theme Editor, which is something your Canvas administrative team (usually located in the IT / eLearning / Digital Education areas) would need to do for you and would affect all courses in a particular account/subaccount.  On that note, I am a Canvas admin for a higher-ed institution, and I can tell you that we are very hesitant to add code to the the global javascript files.  It may be different at your school/institution, but the work required to maintain the files and the risks if they break are pretty big barriers.

Hope this helps answer your question a bit, even if it's not the answer you were hoping for.


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