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Inbox notifications not arriving; Conversations set to “Notify Immediately”

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[second time posting this since my first message was inexplicably flagged as spam — let’s try again]

Recently, I’ve stopped receiving email notifications when a student uses the Canvas Inbox to message me. I haven’t made any changes to my notification settings — I didn’t even know where they were until I experienced this problem. 🙄

“Added To Conversation” and “Conversation Message” are set to Notify Immediately. “Conversations Created By Me” was set to Notifications Off; I just changed it to Daily Summary to see if that would shake anything loose.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance (again).

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @S_Abbot,

Are you using a Canvas instance from your school/institution, or the "free for teacher" one?  If it's your school/institution Canvas instance, I'd highly suggest reaching out to your local Canvas admin (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas).  Admins have some reports available where they can check whether the notification was generated and sent (suggesting an issue on the email side of things), or whether there was no notification at all (suggesting a Canvas issue).  They can also check your user profile to make sure your email address hasn't somehow been flagged as unavailable.

Hope this helps a bit!


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