Identifying pasted content in Canvas quiz essay answers

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Does the presence of unexpected HTML in a Canvas quiz essay question answer indicate content was pasted - meaning plagiarized?

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Screenshot 2024-05-06 132659.png

Some HTML is expected, for example using Canvas to organize or emphasize text and pasting content from an IDE used in the course.

However, in many cases, content is pasted and edited.

Indications that an answer includes pasted content:

  • Font differences - size, font family, weight, color
  • Background colors
  • Gaps and awkward spacing - for example
     "this    is some   editedtext" 




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1 Solution
Community Explorer

The answer is the presence of HTML in an answer means either the student knows HTML and chose to use it to enhance their answer or they copy/pasted.

Some HTML is expected - but it should result in a polished display. If the answer is difficult to read or poorly formatted, the most likely explanation is that the student copy/pasted.

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