I added a page, but it now does not appear on the Pages tab/page. Any workaround?

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Hi there,

I just added a new Page to my course, but I can't find it on the "Pages" tab. 

I noticed that the new pages I add appear at the bottom of the list of pages on the "Pages" tab.

I added "Week 5 | Applied..." just now that appears at the bottom of the Pages tab/page.  (See screenshot.) 


Then I added another page entitled, "Week X | Applied..."

When the new page did not appear below "Week 5 | Applied..." on the Pages tab, I thought maybe I had imagined creating the page entitled "Week X | Applied..." or had accidentally cancelled it.  So I created the same new page entitled, "Week X | Applied..." but then I got an error saying that I already had a page by that title.  

So then I created a second page and added the number "2" to the end so that I could track it entitled, "Week X | Applied...2"

Neither or these two new pages appeared on my "Pages" tab anywhere I could find.  I searched the entire page through a text search.  No luck.  

Then I decided to see if I could find these mysteriously disappearing pages by adding them to a module.  Indeed...there they are!


Where can I find these "Brigadoon" pages now?  The only way I can imagine editing them is to add them to a module and editing them from their place in the module.  

Can I get them to appear on the Page tab/page somehow?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ColinVTJohnson ...

I am not sure why your "Week X | Applied..." page wouldn't show on your "Pages" index page.  I just tested this in my own sandbox course, and things worked as expected.

Have you tried clearing your browser history/cache, closing the browser, and then re-starting the browser to see if you can find the page you're looking for on your "Pages" index page?

Or, have you tried a different browser altogether?  Chrome and Firefox are good choices.  I've also had pretty good success with the Edge browser on my Windows 11 laptop.

What are the browser and computer requirements for Instructure products?

Please keep us posted...thanks!

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