Hur får man bort Summafunktionen i Canvas? [How do you get rid of the Sum function in Canvas?]

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Jag undrar om man kan ta bort summafunktionen under omdömen i Canvas? Jag anser inte riktigt att den fyller någon funktion. Tacksam för svar!

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I wonder if you can remove the total function under grades in Canvas? I do not really think it serves any purpose. Grateful for answers!


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @StinaGranath ...

You can hide the "Total" column in the Gradebook if you want.  Assuming that you are an instructor, if you go to your "Grades" page, click on the gear/cog wheel icon on the upper right corner of your screen.  A slide-out window will appear on the right side of your screen.  Select the "View Options" tab.  Place a checkmark in the box for "Hide Total Column", and then click the "Apply Settings" button.

You can find more information within the "View Gradebook View Options" section of this Guide:

How do I use the Gradebook? - Instructure Community (

Hope this helps in some way!  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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