How to Create a Question Group for an EXISTING Classic Quiz?

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So I see lots of instructions and answered questions about how to create a quiz using the Question Bank. But I can't figure out how to create a Question Bank for an already existing Classic Quiz? I have a Classic Quiz with dozens of questions that I need to change the point value for each one. As I've seen people say that using a Question Bank is the only way to do a batch edit of all questions' point values, I'm trying to do this.

Every time I select "New Question Bank" though, and try to select all the questions in the quiz, it says that "This question group is set to pick more questions than are available." Even if I say I only want to pick ONE question, it just keeps saying this. I have obviously misunderstood how to do this in some way or it's some weird glitch?

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2 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @KirstenThomson ...

I *think* you might be getting some of your terminology mixed up.  From what I gather from your posting, you would like to change point values for your questions in a quicker manner rather than updating point values question-by-question.  Are you wanting each question in your quiz to have the same point value (for example, each question is 5 points)?  If so, you can do that via creating a question group (not question bank).  But, using the question group option would also randomize those questions within the question group...if you were open to that idea.  Here is what you would want to do:

  1. In your quiz, create a question group at the bottom of your existing quiz questions.  How do I create a quiz with a question group to ra... - Instructure Community (
  2. Once you create the question group...defining how many questions you want to display...and defining how many points each question will be, you'll want to drag each of the questions above the question group into the question group.  You can grab the 8-dot icon on the far-left side of each question, and then click-n-drag that question into the question group.  Continue to click-n-drag questions into this question group.
  3. Be sure to save your changes.

This would create a quiz where the questions were randomly displayed to students, and each question would be the same point value.

There is a lot of speculation on my part in my above response, so I apologize if this is not exactly what you were looking for.  But, hopefully this might be of some help to you.  Keep Community members posted...thanks!

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Hi @KirstenThomson ...

I'm glad I was able to help get things sorted out for you.  If you feel that any of the Guides that Instructure creates are not clear, you can always provide feedback and suggestions to the Documentation Team so that they can review your comments and make any necessary changes so things are clearer.  At the bottom of any Guide, there is a "Leave Feeback" button that you can click on.

** Side note, I realized that the link in my initial response was not even close to providing you the correct Guide to refer to on how to create question groups for quizzes.  I've now edited my response to include the correct link.

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