@andrew_mathas ...
@andrew_mathas wrote:
When I found this page I was pleasantly surprised to find that this question had a solution as, in my experience, it is rare to find answers to canvas problems on this site. So, I wasn't really surprised to find that the solution was that canvas does not support this. Disappointed, yes. Surprised, no.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this...as you'll find that many Community members do answer questions for other Canvas users here on this site. Any topic that has the green check-mark icon next to it has a "solution". Canvas Question Forum - Instructure Community
Re: your request to implement a proper quiz regrading system... I think it would be best for you to consider submitting this as a Feature Idea here in the Community. That way, others here in the Community have a chance to evaluate it to see if it would be something they would also like to see implemented by Instructure (the folks that make Canvas). Here are some Guides to get you started:
On top of this, I find the canvas "community" pages to be a source of constant frustion because time and time again I see users asking canvas to add features, or to fix existing bugs, and then...nothing happens. There is no response from the canvas development team. The bugs are not fixed. The essentially features that are missing are still not implemented...and, at the same time, my university is paying canvas an absolute fortune for the "pleasure" of using this system.
As a fellow Canvas end-user, I understand the frustration, Andrew. I've been there myself...where I've submitted a Feature Idea here in the Community that I think would benefit many people...but then it seems to go un-noticed for weeks, months, and sometimes years. But, at the same time, I've also submitted Feature Ideas that have been implemented in Canvas...some of which I didn't think would stand a chance of getting implemented. In fact, at the time, there wasn't much Community interest (that I could tell, anyway) in my idea, but yet it was still implemented. So, I'm not exactly sure why my idea was considered or if there was other feedback they had received (not posted here in the Community) from Canvas users. The statement "bugs are not fixed" is not accurate. There is a Known Issues - Instructure Community page that you can visit to see what things are currently known issues and what has been fixed.
All this being said, I would encourage you to continue participating in conversations here in the Community. And, if you see Feature Ideas that people have suggested that are in line with something you'd also like to see implemented by Instructure, then consider giving those ideas a star rating (as described in the Feature Idea links above) and also providing a comment as to why that particular request would also be important to you. Instructure likes to hear from us, and providing real-world examples is of great help...so they can consider all the different scenarios that might come up.
I'm hopeful that some or all of this will be helpful to you. Please let Community members know if you have any other questions...thanks. Take care...be well.