Hosting code / web-based content on Canvas?

Community Member

I have been developing webapps to make my course content more interactive, engaging, instructive, accessible, and responsively formatted for mobile users.

I have found that it is entirely possible to save markup, media, and scripts to a file structure in Canvas, and then iframe the html anywhere in the Canvas course. A full course export/import correctly updates the file paths for the new course/file numbers. So far it all mostly runs fine on any device that isn't iOS, the only limitations I have run into are certain data file (.vtt). However, because of iOS security protocols, none of my content will open on iOS, which kills the whole idea. 

Hosting the content on the school's domain has been discussed, but... have you ever met a CISS department? There is no way they'll take on the work of reviewing all of my janky code for "security vulnerabilities" even though it's all static content with client-side scripts. 

Question:  Is there a Canvas extension, plug-in, add-on, or whatever, that will allow my code to run as if it were a hosted / live webpage, so that students using iOS could run and interact with my webapps like everyone else? Is there another solution I haven't thought of? It has to be seamless from the student-side... this isn't for a computer-oriented program, so I can't ask students to set up local development servers or anything like that. 

Any guidance would be appreciated. I am a self-taught developer, so I don't know blind-spots I have.  

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