Grading Scheme

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Does Canvas round grades in the Grading Scheme or does it take the tenths place at face value?


Name     Range    

A               100%                  to 89.5%

B                <89.5%             to 79.5%

C               <79.5%              to 69.5%

F               <69.5%              to 0%

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1 Solution
Community Champion


The "<89.5%" means less than 89.5%. So an 89.5% would be included in an A while an 89.4% would be a B.

However, the grade in Canvas is not rounded to the nearest tenth. It is calculated without rounding, but then displayed to the nearest hundredth.

  • If your grade is 89.49%, then it is a B. it is not rounded again to the nearest tenth to get 89.5.
  • If your grade is calculated as 89.498375%, it is displayed as 89.5%, but the grade would be a B because 89.498375 is less than 89.5.

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