Gradebook passback

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This is a question out of curiosity not need.  When I do my Sync to SIS I have a few columns.  One is SIS Assignments and the other is SIS grades.  These numbers do not match anything I can count on the surface.  What do the numbers under the columns mean?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @DaveBlake64 

Thank you for contacting Canvas Support. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with syncing to SIS. The columns you are referring to sound like the assignment groups on the far right of the gradebook and not  not the assignments themselves. Typically, your SIS assignment are going to be within one of these groups that correlate to the category in SIS. The grades certainly should all be adding up correctly, but if you notice is discrepancy we would likely need to take a look at this.

In a situation like this, it would be best to look at this specifically so we can see the course, students, and assignment directly. Please feel free to contact Canvas Support directly so we can pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a solution. Thank you! 

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