Gradebook and Grading Scheme not working properly

Community Member

I am using the community edition of Canvas (not hosted by Instructure) and we recently did an update from an older version. (I know we should have been doing incremental updates, but I only have so much time in my life.) Nearly everything is working or working super good enough but I have two problems that I just can't track down the why or how. I'm not sure if they are connected but if <feels> like they are.

1. Instructor view of gradebook works most of the time, but every now and again something gets saved in an instructors profile that sets the gradebook to view from external source and then the instructor can't view the gradebook. I thought it was due to an external tool being used but then I had one of my instructors that most definitely does not use any external tools and (as far as I know) also has never updated grades by importing a csv so I am stumped what could possibly be changing this setting. It works if I delete their gradebook view profile using ssh, but that isn't very practical long term. (View attached.)

2. Grading schemes no longer work. It seems to be stuck somewhere in the old view and new grade schemes view. I can create a new grade scheme but it isn't selectable in a course. I tried all (I think) of the various permutations of order of operations setting the grading scheme/editing the grading scheme/update course details/going to manage grading schemes. But I still can't get it to apply to a course or even let me search grading schemes.

Any thoughts or suggestions on things to try or look up are greatly appreciated!



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