Gradebook Total column calculation

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New to Canvas, here. Can anyone tell me if the Total column rounds, or takes the tenths place at face value?

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I wasn't sure what you mean by the tenths place because the gradebook rounds to the hundredths position. Then I saw this question that came in just a few minutes after yours and makes me wonder if you're asking the same thing: Grading Scheme. I answered the question there if you want additional details beyond what I write here.

The grades are not rounded to the nearest tenth before applying the grading scheme. They are not rounded at all before applying the grading scheme. They are displayed to the nearest hundredth in the gradebook, but the un-rounded version is used in the calculation of the grade.

If you have 90% as the lowest A, then 89.9995 would show in the gradebook as 90 (when rounded to the nearest hundredth) but it would show the grade as a B.


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