Faculty reporting that assignments missing on Student Interactions Report

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Our faculty have been using the Teacher Activity Report / Student Interactions Report to see which assignments they still need to grade.

However, one of our faculty just reported that he looked at that page and two assignments showed up on it that hadn't shown up previously, despite having been submitted a week earlier.

Is this a known issue?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello  @EvanDonovan 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with assignments re-populating on the student interactions  report. No, this is not a  known issue and you  should probably have the teacher contact canvas support directly. It could be something as simple  as their browser and they should clear cache and cookies, try another browser, try a different device etc. 

Because of the complexity of the issue, and the concerns for privacy, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution:


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