Effect on outomes when Improved Outcomes Management is enabled

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We are preparing a new program and are considering enabling "Improved Outcomes management." I cannot find any documentation of how this affects existing Outcomes. We tried enabling this tool a few years ago, and it messed up the exisitng outcomes and we got some angry/panicked calls and emails from the few professors using outcomes independently. Trying to be more careful this time, but would really like to enable before the start of this new program that is forthcoming. Can you direct me to any information or, if you have gone through this process, can you share your experience in what happened with exisitng outcomes when the improved management feature was enabled? 

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2 Solutions
Community Explorer

You could probably try it out and enable it through the beta or test environment

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @mnewhart,

At my institution, we have had improved outcomes management enabled for quite a while.  I do not recall having any issues with that setting changing existing outcomes.  There could perhaps be some outcome functionality that you're using and we are not that would change things, but I don't believe the intention if Instructure is that enabling this feature would affect any existing outcome setup/data.


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