Duplicate students in Canvas Gradebook

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I have several students who have moved course sections in semester 2.  I can view these students in their new section when using the section gradebook filter, but I can still view them in their old section as well.  Is there a way to hide them in the gradebook in their old section?  

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @krobinson81,

If these are multiple sections using the same Canvas course shell, the only way to accomplish what you're looking to do would be to totally remove the students from their original section.  As a Canvas admin myself, I can tell you this may not be possible or may have a lot of unintended consequences depending on whether (and how) your school integrates Canvas with their student information system.  I'd suggest asking your school's Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) if this is something they could do or not.

Hope this helps a bit!


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