Drop the lowest assignment category from grade calculation

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One of my instructors has 8 lab assignment categories with multiple assignments under each category. She wants to set it up where all categories have equal grades, but then drop the category with the lowest grade.

For eg: (This is how I understand the way it works) - If all categories are worth 15% each, the 8 categories will total to 15*8=120. If she drops the lowest category it will come to 15*7=105. How do we do this?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


1 Solution

Hi again, @bsrinvasan ,

I've been mulling over an idea using Assignment Groups in a way similar to this but haven't actually set it up yet in a course. Yes, you would have to manually input the totals to the "dummy" assignments, but I think you could just pull the numbers from the columns in the Gradebook that show the totals for each AG. You wouldn't have to add up the scores or anything because the Gradebook would already display that information for each student. You might have to click on each cell; that's what I'm having to do in my Sandbox to see points earned/points possible rather than the percentage. Make sure that in your Gradebook settings "Hide Assignment Group Totals" is unchecked.

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