Delete comments in rubrics

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Currently, we can save comments in our rubrics (particularly those I use when assessing discussions).  As my assessment has become more refined, I am discovering that I no longer need some of  my previous comments, but must scroll (and in some instances for quite a bit) in order to find my more relevant comments.  On a few, I have noticed a grammatical error and will never use these, however they cannot be deleted or edited.  In the screenshot attached, there are identical comments, except one is missing punctuation.  This is just a simple instance, but for those comments that are very similar and lengthy (that have an ellipsis) that require me to select in order to view the entire comment.  I then have to back out and choose the other.  It is not too big of a gripe, but it does slow me down and I think it should be an easy fix.



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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @decarbo_michael!

In the Community guide How do I use free-form comments instead of ratings in a rubric in SpeedGrader? under the Reuse Comments section, it states: Note: Comments saved for reuse cannot be edited or deleted.

If you feel that this is something worth looking into, I would suggest to check the Canvas Ideas section of the Community and add a suggestion if one does not already exist.



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