Crafting a URL that includes canvas variables

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I would like to be able to craft a URL to put in a course (could be a separate page if needed, but would rather not) so that I can redirect a student to an external site. I want the link to provide user and course id, such as

Any information is appreciated!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @RVyhmeister1,

I don't think you're going to be able to easily accomplish this with a random link somewhere in the course.  It's somewhat possible to do on a menu using the redirect external tool and LTI Variable Substitutions, though you'll be limited to the fields available,  I'm not sure what you are trying to link out to, but the perhaps more accepted way to do this would actually be to have the target system be LTI compliant so that things could be integrated seamlessly in Canvas or other learning management systems.

I hope this helps a bit and points you to a resource hat may get you started.


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