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Is there a way to filter the Gradebook to show multiple assignment groups? I would like to see a view of the Gradebook using, for example, 3 of 5 assignments groups.

  • 1 Replies

I am an instructor in an engineering course.  To meet ABET requirements, I need to provide three examples of student work for every assessment in my course.  This means I need to find a way to somehow capture *completed* assignments and quizzes in Ca...

  • 5 Replies

Can the students see the name of the group set? I know they can see the name of their group. I am wondering for differentiation purposes.  

  • 1 Replies

Recently we found that about 30% of our grade passback requests via the LTI Grading Outcome Service fail.Bellow are the HTTP responses for the error messages we get. If anyone has an insight, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!     HTTP/1.1 4...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm struggling to link Github Classroom to my Canvas class. I've followed the steps at ; Github Classroom link to Canvas, however, I get a 404 error page when I try to click on Github Classroom in my Canvas page. Any ideas on why the Canvas page is u...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My University is currently migrating from Blackboard to Canvas. We have a course where the points in the rubrics from Blackboard aren't showing up in Canvas. All the criteria and text is there, but the points have 0. We haven't had any issues with ot...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Initially I was allowing students more than one attempt (using the button in Settings) to correct their math work. However, I have learned that during the second attempt the answers are right there for them to look at, which defeats this purpose.So.....

  • 1 Replies

I have noticed that Canvas Quizzes (both the new and old versions) do not show up at all on my To Do list. They don't appear when students first take the quiz on the due date, they don't appear when students retake a quiz after being allowed another ...

  • 7 Replies

Hello! I have an issue: My assignment is visible in the list between different teachers, but students can't see it in the list. If the teacher provides the link to the student the students can see the info of the assignment (if they have access to ...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, We are trying to run a report to see who accessed our school Canvas courses on a specific day. We know you can run a "Last Access" report, but that will just show up to date information. Instead, we are trying to find out which of our students...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I created an assignment using the Google Cloud Assignment option.  My students were all able to open it and work, however, several are missing a submit button.  Can anyone tell me why a few wouldn't have the option to submit?  They can open the assig...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

We have switched to Canvas this semester, and I've found that the annotation tools on Google Assignments are considerably more user friendly than what I have at my disposal on Canvas. In Canvas's defense, I find that the formatting and organization o...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

I do not see a way to export in a usable manner a single New Quiz. This page: Implies it is possible to select export as a QTI ZIP file.   I see ...

  • 4 Replies

We're experimenting with Blueprint courses and I'm trying to find the best way to manage template courses. The documentation lists the SIS_ID as the required ID to make an association. But, we don't create empty classes in our SIS for blueprints.We w...

  • 3 Replies

Problem: in several different Quizzes, the minus signs in my Math equation disappear. The problem occurs randomly on different computers, different days and even on the same day, same webbrowser, it can differ whether you can see the minus sign or no...

  • 21 Replies

Hi We have had an anonymous assignment. The task was closed on 27 Nov. No further submissions have been made after this date. Now, a few days later, the students have changed places. Student 65 has become student 66 and so on. This applies to about h...

  • 1 Replies

Hello.  I have a couple of questions regarding tests/percentages and front page/home tab.  Percentages on TestsFor Spring semester, the following are set up as assignmentsTest 1 = 20%Test 2 = 20%Test 3 = 20%Final = 40%TOTAL = 100% for the course grad...

  • 1 Replies

I am unable to find a complaint form through canvas, but the spell check system is completely unacceptable. Most simply misspelled words don't have a recommendation for the right spelling, much less any support for complicated words with convoluted s...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,First time Canvas user and the UX/UI already giving me nightmares.I set up several posts to which the students post replies. I don't want to check/grade/view/read every reply separately. If it's there, the student gets a 100, if not the students g...

  • 2 Replies

I am a trans student that has changed their name. I haven't started legally changing my name but seeing my deadname on canvas structures induces gender dysphoria.  How can you change your display name?

  • 1 Replies

We use a 3rd party grading system with the Canvas API to send grades back and forth. I use the submissions API to see all student assignment stats for a particular assignment (e.g. grade, late_policy_status, etc.). I've noticed that the "graded_at" f...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am a student using Canvas and when clicking on my calendar my classes on the right side of my screen are grey. There are also no assignments shown on my screen even though there are assignments due. How do I fix this issue? 

  • 2 Replies

I couldn't use the Canvas announcement send to option to republish the announcement

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I created a quiz that uses question banks. When I copied the quiz, to the same course, the question banks now say, "This question group is set to pick more questions than are available."Any help would be appreciated.

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I have a simple question: How can I find out the Course Section of an Assignment via API? When I use "/api/v1/courses/courseid/assignments' I get a table of assignments. There is a column with the course id but there is not a column with the s...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I created a quiz and by doing so set up "Item Banks" that categorized my quiz questions by text book chapter reference (Item Bank Title.)  Now I have discovered the Course Bank function and wonder what the difference is between these two areas?  Wher...

  • 2 Replies

I need to move questions from a quiz that has been created in to a question bank so that I can categorize the questions and create other quizzes.

  • 1 Replies

Hola chicas y chicos,  resulta que el día 4 de diciembre tuve que realizar un examen en línea en esta aplicación, en el cual tenía que anexar una imagen en un problema para que la profesora pudiera ver los procedimientos que lleve a cabo durante mi e...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is anyone else having trouble with self-correcting quizzes that count some students' answers that contain a contraction wrong? This is in my Advanced ESL class, and at first I thought that some of the students were leaving an extra space when they ty...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies

Good Morning! I have open-ended questions in a New Quiz. I was wondering if it would be possible to get notifications when students resubmit the assignment. I have no clue when they do, and it is such a time-eater to go through each kid to see if the...

  • 1 Replies