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On my canvas, I still to this day have a class that i took in 8th grade and I’m in 11th. It just has always been there on my dashboard and it won’t go away and I don’t know how to fix it. Can someone help please:)

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @CheyenneWindle ...

For enrollment questions such as yours, you're going to need to speak with someone at your school about having that course from 8th grade removed from your Canvas account.  However, they may have policies in place where they do not remove courses, but that's a conversation you're going to have to have with their Canvas administrator or someone from their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team.

Another thing you can do in Canvas is to go to your "Courses" >> "All Courses" screen in Canvas.  More than likely, you might have a yellow star next to that course from 8th grade.  Click on the yellow star to remove it from your Dashboard.  Or, if you don't have any yellow stars currently selected on the "All Courses" screen, click a star next to a course name to turn it yellow, and those courses will be the only ones that show on your Dashboard.

Hope this helps!

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