Combine classes

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is there a way to combine Canvas pages if the classes have different codes? I have classes with different grade levels. I'd like Canvas pages to reflect the 3 grades, not each class code..

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Community Coach
Community Coach


Combining courses together in Canvas is called cross-listing.  It's generally recommended that if you want to cross-list two or more courses together, that this process be completed before the courses start...not during.  Cross-listing courses essentially moves enrollments from one course to another so that you would see all students in one course.  It does NOT move any course content.  So, for example, if you had three courses that you wanted to cross-list together, and all three of those courses had the same course content (let's say it was three separate "Tent Camping A", "Tent Camping B", and "Tent Camping C" courses), you could cross-list all three of these together so that all enrollments from the B and C courses get put into the A course.  You and your students would only see course A listed on your Canvas Dashboard.  They would not see course B or C ... even though that is what they had initially signed up for.  If, however, you had three courses with totally different curriculum in each, cross-listing would not move the content of course B and course C into course A.  Again, it only moves instructor/student enrollments.

Cross-listing isn't something that all instructors can carry out themselves.  Often, a school will limit this permission so that only Canvas administrators can do this for instructors.  This may or may not be the case for you, so I'd encourage you to have a conversation with folks at your school who have admin access to see what your options are...and even if cross-listing is something they would be willing to do.  You may also want to consider FERPA when you have these conversations.

These are the Guides related to your question:

I hope this information will help in some way.  Sing out if you have any questions about this...thanks!

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