Classic Quiz Ending

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Is Canvas still getting rid of the Classic Quiz and forcing everything to become a New Quiz?  If so, what's the end date?

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While that was indeed the plan for a while, Instructure has decided to not eliminate Classic Quizzes a couple of years ago.

There is currently no general deadline that I can see for moving to New Quizzes (though individual institutions might choose to force their instructors to move to New Quizzes - which might be a problem, as it doesn't have feature parity yet)

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Teachera,

Just to add quickly to what @Gabriel33  said, while Instructure does not currently have a sunset date for Classic Quizzes, your own school/institution might have set their own date.

For my institution, we'll be disabling the creation of any new classic quizzes at the end of April of this year.  I know some other institutions haven't even made new Quizzes available yet though, so things really are all over the board at this point.  Checking in with your local school/institution team may be a good idea just to confirm their plans.

Hope this helps!


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