Change course navigation's People tab

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Is it possible to change the course navigation's "People" tab to say "People/Groups"? How can it be accomplished with CSS/Javascript?



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@LejlaTica ...

I'm not sure that I would recommend doing that, to be honest.  There may be reasons why you'd want to do this at your school, but to me, this would be pretty confusing.  Once students are added to groups in Canvas, there is a "Groups" icon that appears in the left-hand global navigation bar within shown in this Guide:

How do I view my Canvas groups as a student? - Instructure Community (

Students can easily access their current groups within their courses as well as see any previous group they were in, too.

Also, if there was a way to change the "People" button to "People/Groups", then your custom button name would not match exactly the documentation here in the Guides of the Canvas Community.

One other thing to consider...if this was possible to change via custom code, it would apply to all courses and not just specific courses.  So, you may have some instructors who like this change...but others that don't.

As you can see, there are some larger things to consider here in making a change like this.  If you aren't a Canvas administrator at your school, you'd probably want to have a conversation with that person or someone in the Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Learning department to see what their thoughts are.

Hope this helps a bit.  Take well.

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