Canvass access on my personal comupter

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I have a personal Mac Computer and Im trying to log into Canvas to work on a course for IPTM.  However, I am unable to launch Dashboard or view any of my course modules.  Im not sure if I have the needed software to run canvass.  Your assistance is greatly needed.  

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello @smontoya ...

I would agree with the suggestions @SusanNiemeyer provided to you about accessing your Canvas (one "s", not two) courses.  Here are some other things to try:

  • Make sure your browser is up-to-date.  As Susan suggested, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are good choices here.
  • Clear your browser history/cache.  Once you've completed that, close out of your browser.  Then, re-start your browser and log back in to Canvas.  Did anything change for the better?
  • Reach out to your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education department.  Or if you know who your school's Canvas administrator is, that is a good option, too....and that person might be part of one of the departments I listed above.
  • Reach out to Canvas Support.  They may have some additional suggestions for you to try, too.  How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

I hope these resources will be of help to you.  Sing out if you have any other questions...thanks!

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