Canvas page not loading

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Community Novice

My canvas won't completely load, my web browsers and everything else works on my laptop, except for canvas I've tried all different web browsers such as google, Microsoft, etc. I can log on my canvas on anything else and it works but not for my laptop I just get a full white blank screen with just my college emblem at the top, the calendar box, and help. I do not know how to fix it I haven even restarted my computer multiple times and nothing seems to help.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @ZoeJones ...

Thank you for confirming that you've tried different web browsers ... that's one of the things I would have suggested.  I would also suggest clearing your browser's cache/history files.  Once you do that, close your browser, re-start it, and then log in to Canvas again to see if things look better.

Another thing to do is to contact Rose State College's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Learning department.  They might have some suggestions for you.  I browsed their website, and I found this page for you: Canvas (

Finally, I would suggest you contact the Canvas Help Desk staff.  They may also have some suggestions for you.  Check out this Guide for more details: How do I contact Canvas Support? - Instructure Community

I hope this helps!  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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