Canvas assignments

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Community Novice

I use the same assignments from year to year. I link them through Google Drive and each student is given a copy.

Is there a way to see if a student is using the exact same content they turned in the year before?

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach


You'd need to use some sort of plagiairsm detection system to do that.  Unfortunately, none of the systems that I know which plug into Canvas would work with external tool assignments.  If you just give a link to a google drive document, have students fill it in, then download a PDF/word version from Google and upload it to Canvas that could work though.  Plagiarism Detection Systems would usually have a yearly license cost associated with them as well, so it would be something your school/institituon would need to decide to purchase.

Hope this info helps!


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Community Contributor


Are you using the Google Assignments (LTI 1.3) integration to distribute the Google Docs? If so, then you should find a folder called "Assignments" in your Google Drive. Canvas created that folder (or possibly multiple folders over time) to hold all the student assignments "shared" with you via Google. If you have the same students year to year, all of their assignments should be in a folder somewhere on your Drive, so you can find and compare them if you suspect that someone is re-submitting prior work.

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