Canvas Observer

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Hi! We are new to UCPS in NC and my girls took the DLI assessment over the summer. They asked me to create a Canvas account then, so I could access something the people administering the test needed. 

However, I believe they set my account up as a student because now I can't add my kids to my account and become their observer. How can I fix this? I tried opening a ticket with the help desk but received an error code. Any help would be appreciated. 



1) shows what happens when I clicked the link to submit a ticket. the link says "student help desk" leading me to believe my account is set up for a student 

2) shows my settings, and you can see there is no option to add myself as an observer, and there is an option to pair with an observer. leading me to believe that this is set up as an account for a student

Thank you!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Rossana2,

You'll probably want to reach out to the school directly to inquire about this (I know you had an issue submitting a ticket, but perhaps they have a phone number?).  There are multiple different methods that schools can use to assign observer accounts for parents, so it's possible they are just not using the self assign option and that's why you don't see the pairing.  There isn't really anything about a user account tin Canvas that varies from being a student to being a teacher, so I don't think the option you picked at sign up is affecting this at all, but again your school can perhaps confirm that.

Hope this helps at least a bit!


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