Can we remove 'Review Feedback' status after assignment submission (asynchronous course)

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I am currently running a suite of courses on Canvas which have one assignment and five quizzes that students must interact with to complete the course. On the assignment the students have to upload a PDF. 

However, there are no tutors or teachers on these courses but we've noticed that after submitting an assignment the status changes to 'Review Feedback' with an incomplete progress icon (see screenshot), this has led to confusion from students expecting an extra step. 

Is there anyway of changing this status to 'Submitted' or do we need to leave a disclaimer for students that there is no further action for them (or tutor feedback). 


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

I don't know if there is a way to hide this message from the Assignment itself (looks like the image shows the Assignment Enhancement experience? I'm not super familiar with that, if so).

However, I might recommend two things that may help:

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