Can't Embed Google Slides Into Canvas Page

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How can you generate embed codes for Google Slides so I can embed them in my Canvas page?

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1 Solution
Community Explorer

Usually, Google Slides have to be published to the web to obtain the embed code. (File -> Share -> Publish to the web.) However, this wouldn't be ideal for you, because you don't want your slides to be indexed by Google Search (and therefore searchable by anyone on the internet.)

Try the following instead. First, to get the embed link without publishing:

    • Open your Google Slides presentation.
    • Go to File → Share → Get link.
    • Ensure the link is set to Restricted or Anyone with the link (Viewer), depending on your needs.
    • Next, make any modifications you need to the link before embedding. Copy the URL from the address bar. It will look something like this:
    • Replace /edit with /embed and add ?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 to the end for more control over how the presentation displays:

Adjust your parameters as needed:

    • start=false prevents it from autoplaying
    • loop=false prevents it from looping
    • delayms=3000 sets a 3-section transition time

Over in Canvas, go to the page or assignment and click Edit -> Insert -> Embed. Paste your modified url from above into the following iframe code. Adjust the width and height as needed. This should ensure that viewers see the slides in presentation mode without access to the editor or speaker notes:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="800" height="450" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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