Can I publish a Module without publishing all items in the module?

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Community Novice

My course was recently transitioned from Learn to Canvas.  Each Module has a variety of items (readings, assignments, and solution sets) that I need to publish at different times.  When I am editing a Module, I mark each individual item as to whether I want it to be published or not.  But now I see that when I go to publish the Module itself, Canvas changes all the individual items within to "published."  Is there a setting I can change so that when I publish a Module, Canvas maintains the settings of the individual items?  The current situation forces me to publish and then quickly unpublish things that I don't want the students to see yet.

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Community Contributor

No, unfortunately that's not an option. When you publish a module, every item in that module will automatically be published. After you publish the module, you'll have to unpublish the individual items you don't want your students to see.

For assignments, discussions, and quizzes, the best way to prevent students from gaining early access is to carefully set the available dates BEFORE you publish the module. 

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Community Team
Community Team

Hi! I have great news to share with everyone who has followed this thread!

The Bulk Publish and Unpublish Module Items option has been added to Canvas. Please read the Canvas Release Notes (2023-06-17) for more information.

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