Automatic 0 to Assignments Not Yet Due (Interaction with Modules)

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As the title suggests, Canvas is assigning 0s to assignments as soon as I publish them. This is only happening with ONE specific class. I believe this to be the case because I am attempting to integrate modules. Any assignment that is in the module is what is affected by an automatic 0 upon being published. My other courses that do not utilize modules are not affected by automatic 0s upon publishing an assignment. So far I have double checked and verified a few things:

Late Policy: Checked:
-Grade for missing submissions: Automatic 0 for missing submissions.
-Automatically apply deduction to late submissions

Grade Posting Policy: Checked
Automatically post grades.


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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @LumbertonPirate 

Are the assignments imported or copied from another course? If so, did it have previous due dates? A few months ago, an instructor at my institution had this issue because it would tigger the automatic zero as soon as he publishes because it was taking the old due date even though the due date was changed.

I recommend contacting Canvas Support to investigate whether your issue is related to my issue.


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Yes, I import my assignments a template course. I do change the due dates before publishing. What I've noticed is that if I want to avoid the issue I must first add the assignment to the module and then change the due date, instead of changing the due date before adding the assignment to the module. It's an odd fix but it seems to be working fine with this method. 

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