Auto insert of comments?

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I teach at a popular online university and must comment on almost every student's assignments. Is there a way to have a predefined comment such as "please use APA v7 formmatting when submitting your assignments". This gets very tedious during the first few assignments. Yes, I could copy and paste, but I was hoping there is a way to create a macro for my most often-used comments.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @WarrenMack,

Hopefully some good news for you here!  If you're giving general feedback via comments, I think the How do I use the Comment Library in SpeedGrader? guide shows you how to do exactly what you want.  If you're using the annotation tools to mark up the student submission, I don't think a library exists there at this time though, so hopefully the comment library will work for you!


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