Audit Trail for Canvas Themes

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Someone changed a Canvas Theme in a subaccount, causing several CSS issues. Is there a way to determine who made the change?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @RobinKouvaras,

I'm afraid that there is no log or audit trail of who made most administrative changes on the system.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @RobinKouvaras,

I agree with @mzimmerman that there's really no audit trail in Canvas for this kind of thing.  However, if you have a small number of administrators or a suspicion about who made the change, you could check the page views for each of those users to see if any of them visited the theme area ({canvas_url}/accounts/{id_number}/brand_configs) around when you suspect the change was made.  There is little reason to go to that area unless a change is being made, so I suspect you'd be able to track down who did it with this method, unless you have a lot of admins and it would be too much time to search each one.


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