Assign the same template to several rooms

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I have several rooms imported from SIS with different users, they all have a unique SIS ID. Is it possible to put the same template on all of them at once? The template is manually created. Since the rooms af different users I do not think that I can use blueprints.

Best regards


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2 Solutions

Oh, gotcha! The Course Templates do inherit, meaning subaccounts will get the same course template unless you specify otherwise, but if not all courses in these subaccounts should get this template, I think blueprinting would be a better solution here.

Blueprinting will allow you to specifiy which courses get the "template course" (blueprint) and then once you're done blueprinting you can "disassociate" the blueprint, which would still give the course the content needed. Hope that makes sense!

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If I make it as a blueprint course all the participants will disappear. I will have to check if the syncronizating will add the participants again.

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