Adding Questions to a Quiz Bank AFTER the Quiz is Built?

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If I build a quiz with question groups that pull from a quiz bank, can I continue to add questions to the bank and have them get pulled into the quiz via the question groups AFTER I've finished building the quiz? Or, do I need to have all the questions I want available to students in the bank BEFORE I build the quiz? I know that changes made to an individual question in a quiz bank won't update in the quiz itself, but I'm curious about the availability of questions from the bank in the quiz. Hopefully this makes sense!

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Zooropa9476,

As far as I know, if you're pulling in random questions from the bank, you can add/modify those questions any time you'd like.  I'd always recommend having everything 100%bset in stone before the quiz availability window opens though or you can get in all kinds of weird situations, as it sounds like you may already know.

Hope this helps!


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