How do I remove an old class section from my current dashboard?

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To whom this may concern,

I am inquiring regards a pesky, minor issue I have regarding my use with Canvas Online!

For the past two semesters, I have had a class that was previously taken still present itself on my current classrooms and semester. I understand it may be a minor issue, but I sometimes make the mistake of clicking the old class section, and my computer/iPhone freezes then shuts the application down since I can't load any of those older class files.


Thank you so much for the help!


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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hello @Donedelacruz here is a guide that walks you through favoriting courses so only the ones you want show on your dashboard.   How do I view my favorite courses in the Card View... - Instructure Community

Many institutions will run courses past when they actually end for various reasons.  For example, we run ours 1 year longer so that any student that had an incomplete can complete it or if there is a grade dispute, students and the instructor can easily access the materials.

Hope this helps!


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