Using the Quizlet LTI

Community Champion

I just created instructions for a faculty member who uses Quizlet so that she can integrate the flashcards within Canvas. There were resources in the Canvas Community about Quizlet along with other LTI's, but nothing (that I could find) that provided just the steps for using Quizlet. So, I thought I'd share them in case anyone else needs them along with my experience using the embed code:

1. Select Settings on the Course Navigation Menu 

2. Choose the Apps tab

3. Search for Quizlet

Quizlet Step 1

4. Click the +Add App button to add the app to your course

Quizlet Step 2

5. Add a Content Page (to a Module) and select the "V" Icon to locate "Quizlet"

Quizlet Step 3

6. Search for any public flash cards (including your own) and select the Embed button

Quizlet Step 4

7. Save the page.


Quizlet is free and also provides embed code that works really well within a Canvas page. However, when I tried it the game was the default rather than the flashcards. At first, I didn't realize that there is a drop-down to select specific embed code depending on whether you want: flashcards, match, learn, test or spell. However, the LTI seems easier to use for faculty members who are not familiar with the HTML view of the Rich Content Editor.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Nice work! Quizlet was always a favorite of mine to show off 3rd party content in Canvas. I'll plug because it is about as simple and includes Quizlet, SchoolTube, YouTube, TedEd, and (last but not least) Khan Academy. 

Community Champion

Thanks, awilliams‌! I didn't realize Quizlet was one of the resources in the Public Resources LTI. We are at an exciting point after 2 years using Canvas. The first year, everyone was migrating courses and the second year, they were learning to use Canvas. Now, they want to learn the more advanced features! When I showed the Public Resources LTI to one faculty member, he didn't understand why instructors would want to use it. My response was that it combines various searchable public video resources and allows us to easily embed the videos into Canvas. However, each resource must be searched separately, so he wasn't impressed. Are there any other advantages in using it? 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Mostly just less buttons in the RCE toolbar so less likely to push into the amount where added LTI's are pushed into the "blue V" area was my main reason for defaulting to it.

Community Participant

This is great thanks Denise. When I tried to use embed code that started on anything but Flashcard, it always seems to revert back to Flashcard as the default. I was able to change the embed code to fix this. It is just one simple word in the embed code. For example:

<p><iframe style="width: 800px; height: 600px;" title="Spanish" src="" width="800" height="600" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen"></iframe></p>

To start on the spelling activity change to

<p><iframe style="width: 800px; height: 600px;" title="Spanish" src="" width="800" height="600" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen"></iframe></p>

Similarly change the term to match, test or learn so that the Quizlet activity starts on that activity.

Community Participant

When I added the Quizlet App, it seemed to install just fine, but doesn't seem to be working a 100%.  I see the external tool when I click the "V" icon and it generates a pop-up window with a Quizlet search option, but when I search, nothing is ever found.  It always shows 0 found.  Suggestions?

Community Champion

Hi  @mkollman ‌ - I'm not sure why the search feature is not working for you. Have you tried different web browsers? Web browsers are the cause of some strange issues like that for us. We usually recommend using Google Chrome and avoiding Internet Explorer in Canvas.

Community Participant

I am actually using Google Chrome and maybe I am totally dense on how to use the app.  When I click the "V" icon it gives me the option of Quizlet and generates a pop-up window, but no matter what I type in the search, nothing comes up.  (Found 0 Results)  I have had great luck using the embed code listed above.  Thank you!

Community Participant

I'm also using Chrome and also getting the same results as Martin. I'm surprised that Quizlet's own help site has no mention of this integration.

Community Novice

This is the same problem that I'm having.

Community Participant

Here is a screen capture that shows the lack of options when I search using the Quizlet external tool.

Quizlet pop-up for public resources.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello All,

We are experiencing the same issues as yourselves, when searching no content is found Smiley Sad. Some eDevelopers in Queen's had used this functionality in a free version of Canvas prior and have been disappointed to discover this was not working as expected in Queen's University wide version of Canvas.



Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks for sharing the embed code for Quizlet seems to work perfectly.