Section Groupings for Students with Accommodations

Community Novice

In the K - 12 virtual world, we have a lot of accommodations and modifications to provide our students. It isn't as easy as in the brick and mortar world where you just let a student sit with their test a little longer or you just let the student keep their homework for an extra week before collecting it. But thanks to Canvas LMS, there are still sooooo many options we have by creating sections within our courses!

It is against FERPA to create groupings where students can see other students with accommodations based on the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Many of our teachers were creating groups and in doing this, students could select "people" and see those students who were grouped with them. Instead, Canvas LMS has the ability to create sections. By going to settings, then the sections tab, our K - 12 teachers can create sections where students cannot see the other students listed.

When quizzes are given, extended time can be given as necessary. On assignment due dates, extended time can be given as necessary. Announcements can be released to just these sections and students can be attached to separate assignments without knowing they are seeing things different than their peers! This is an amazing opportunity to be able to provide accommodations to our special education population without violating FERPA!

1 Comment
Community Member

If I put my IEP students in their own section, does that mess up syncing with Infinite Campus?