CanvasCasters Podcast: Have Ears, Will Listen... & Subscribe

Community Coach
Community Coach

I don't know about you, but I love podcasts. I would never do my own, so I especially laud and respect those that do. Know what else I love? Canvas & the Canvas Community. Heart Now those two loves have mashed up like PB & J, introducing the CanvasCasters podcast. Friendly Disclaimer: This is an unofficial Canvas LMS podcast.

Your hosts with the most-est are  @Eddie_Small  and  @DeletedUser . They tout themselves as two middle-aged men seeking to become Canvas Jedi! [ Wonder if they know the #CanvasJediSloth ??? ] Learn about their secret identities. Their goal is to publish a new PANDAcast (podcast) every few weeks.


Beyond learning about their Harry Potter themed Professional Development Speed Dating endeavor, learn more about takeaways from CanvasCon 2019 & CanInnovate 2019. What's really awesome about the podcasts is their special guests! So far, they have had the following amazing guests. 

Episode Number2019 Panda-tastic
Special Guests
 @tolinm ‌
2 @paul_towers ‌
3 @kona ‌ 
...more Kona Jones to love! (actually Episode 3 Part 2)
5 @christopher_gil ‌
6Eddie Small & Marcus Painter (your hosts; thanks for the special shout-out re: this blog post)
8 @scottdennis ‌ &  @Renee_Carney ‌

You can find CanvasCasters in a variety of ways:

Maybe they will even do a live podcast during instructurecon 2020‌ in beautiful Nashville, TN?

Check it out and let me know what you think? Also, share some of your best podcasts that you love (as much as the Canvas Community)! And remember, canvasworksforus‌.

Keep Learning,

Sky V.
Senior Instructional Designer, FIU Online
Adjunct in Marketing & Logistics, FIU