2020 Course Design Essentials: Ready-Made Template Refresh

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

July Teacher Appreciation Event: Ready-Made Template Refresh

What’s Included in This Post?
• About our event
• All About Our Ready-Made Template Refresh


Thanks to the incredible team of Instructional Designers for making this refresh possible. The amount of extra work that has gone into this relaunch shows their commitment to excellence, dedication to our community of users, and passion for education. From the depth of my heart, thank you @tiffany_foster ,  @rosina_marie ‌, laurie.norris‌,  @kimberly_ellis, and  @mmetallo .

Why Are We Hosting This Event?

We utilize the Canvas Community on a regular basis to position instructional design resources! We understand the impact and power of the Instructional Designers' space within the Community and want to give back. We are excited to collaborate and share tips and tricks about our Canvas Design Best Practices.   

About This Month's Event

The Instructional Design team announced the release of the Ready-Made Template Suite in the September 2018 blog post to "help reduce stress load, encourage growth and help course creators design an engaging Canvas experience by turning a blank course shell into a fill-in-the-blank Canvas course." It’s been a tremendous success and users across the board have loved this addition to the Instructional Design services. Teachers and Course Designers love the magic that comes from using templates as they expedite the course creation and building process. Students love the consistency that comes about when institutions use a template and focus on content rather than course structure. Templates are intentionally designed to incorporate best practices (aligning with principles from the Course Evaluation Checklist v2.0) and are easy to use. We continue to receive awesome feedback from our Canvas Community -- ❤️ THANK YOU! We knew it was time to launch a refresh to make your experience even better.

What’s New?

The Ready-Made Template Refresh will officially launch July 15, 2020, but here's a preview of what to expect.

  • We updated visual components (banners, buttons, icons and/or stickers) - See our *Updated for 2020* templates
  • Based on popular requests, we added new templates (such as a virtual conference) - Check out our *New for 2020* templates
  • We've created videos to help support users while working with Ready-Made Templates
  • Already have a template and want different design elements? We'll soon be launching "Template Skins." Template Skins contain design assets without the module structure and can easily be added to an existing Ready-Made Template. Each skin contains three sets of design elements (usually three banners and four buttons per set) with bonus features such as stickers, animations, etc. Skins give your template a different look and feel by changing the color and "mood" of your template, without compromising the design and structure.

Higher Education 4D Blue (Illustrated)

Higher Ed Blue Illustrated SampleHigher Ed Blue Illustrated Sample

Conferences 1

Conferences SampleConferences Sample

Professional Blended (Illustrated Badges)

Professional (Illustrated)Professional (Illustrated)

Need a Template

If your institution doesn't have a Ready-Made Template, be sure to check out these blog posts for free templates available to everyone.


CanvasLIVE Event

To learn more about Ready-Made Templates, join us at the CanvasLIVE Event on Wednesday, July 15, 10:30 am MDT (recording) via your favorite social media platforms, e.g., Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Recordings of past events can be found on our CanvasLMS YouTube Channel.


Final Thoughts


Follow us for our full event! We can't wait to continue sharing with you!


Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!


Our Instructional Design team offers templates, consultation, badging services, course evaluations, workshops, and more. If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your CSM or @deonne_johnson, Manager, Learning Services, via djohnson@instructure.com
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Someone requested the slide deck for the New for 2020: Ready-Made Template Refresh (CanvasLIVE) session so I'm posting it here. You'll find helpful links sprinkled throughout. Enjoy!

Community Novice

Are these ready made tempaltes available to download. If so how do you do that?

Community Member

Hi, @deonne_johnson and @mgarcia- 

I would also like to know how I can have access to the models so that I can carry out the editions.

Tks in advance.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Links to free templates are provided in the blog post. We also have templates available to purchase - reach out to your CSM and they'll hook you up. 

Community Member

I am not a teacher. I work for a charity. How can I make the changes? Thank you in advance, Elena

Community Participant

Thanks for these. We can't use any of the ones featured above really given that the text included on an image file is an issue for accessibility and also can't be changed easily by our teaching staff (who would need the source image file to amend any text).

Any chance of similar designs but with the text around them and not overlaid on the image?

Many thanks.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

The images above are provided as examples of the Ready-Made Templates which are available for purchase. The actual templates can be previewed in the Ready-Made Template Suite. Once templates are purchased, all design assets can easily be adjusted, e.g., change text and/or color. All templates are built with accessibility in mind and UDL principles applied.