[Theme Editor] Dark Theme/Dark Mode for Canvas

Hello all! I am a student, and I am here to suggest an idea that I thought would make Canvas more personalized. I think a dark theme would be great for Canvas since some students like to stay up at night (not me), and the bright white light from Canvas can hurt their eyes. The main reason why I want it is because it would look better on my computer. Youtube and Google have these options, why not Canvas? Thank you for reading!


  Comments from Instructure

While we are not able to announce that this idea has been completed, it is important to celebrate that Dark Mode has been added to Canvas Student, Canvas Teacher, and Canvas Parent. (2022-07-05)

Community Member

Desperately needs a Dark Mode. My eyes are absolutely trashed from Canvas.

Community Member

I agree that a dark mode would be fantastic, especially as it becomes more and more commonplace across the internet. I'm testing out the Google Chrome extension, which seems to do the trick, but a fully supported dark mode toggle would be even better (and more accessible).

Community Member

Great Idea! Looking forward to seeing it implemented hopefully.

Community Novice

Absolutely agree! Please can we get this soon. 🙏

Community Novice

Most people use dark mode on there laptops and PCs. It would be a cool feature for the students to have an option to chance their canvas into dark mode. I personally would like that and a few of my friends agree with me.

Community Member

Nearly four years since this post was made, and I'd still love to have a dark mode. I get migraines and cluster headaches, so this would be a life saver. Extensions help, but loading pages becomes slower.

Not applicable

A dark mode for those with light sensitivities would be awesome. Especially for those with Covid headaches!

Community Novice

      Dark mode would be a good addition to canvas because it allows students up late on a project to stay more focused, and the light mode theme could hurt the eyes of students. Other websites, such as twitter in 2017, have already added dark mode as a feature, resulting in more reoccurring users. It could also help teachers who have to grade potentially hundreds of papers every week. As the Covid-19 virus is slowly disappearing, dark mode could be another reason people would want to choose canvas other than websites like Google Classroom. In summary, Dark mode could help students and teachers not put strain on there eyes, it has already been proven to work on other websites, and could give Canvas a one-up on Google.

Community Novice

I would love a dark mode. It would really help with accessibility for me and others with vision issues. 

Community Novice

I think it would be a nice addition to have a dark screen mode. It wouldnt be to much effort just make the background and tabs all in a dark grey/black. The darker color really helps with your eyes if you are in a dark setting. Thanks