[Studio] YouTube Subtitles in Studio

YouTube videos uploaded to Canvas Studio need to have some option to carry over the subtitles from YouTube or even an option to manually type out subtitles.

For personal videos, this isn't a problem, but third party videos become unusable due to a lack of subtitles as they ae not accessible.

This needs to be corrected mainly as an accessibility issue as it essentially makes the use of annotations and quizzes for YouTube videos unusable due to lack of accessibility for those who need subtitles.

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Hi @MPalazzo ...

I asked our Account Services team at Instructure about YouTube and Studio captions back in February 2022, and this is what I was told:

We have yet to find a solution for YouTube captions to come into Studio. Again, this stems from YouTube media info not being stored within Canvas, and therefore, captions cannot be generated since YouTube owns that content.

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@Chris_Hofer -- EdPuzzle can do it, so it seems Studio also should be able to.

Check this out: "Closed-captioning is available for any YouTube videos on Edpuzzle that have been originally captioned within YouTube. "



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Our K12 district has trialed EdPuzzle and we're currently piloting Canvas Studio. The fact that closed captioning in YouTube videos does not carry over to Canvas Studio is a major sticking point for our teachers. 

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