[Studio] Make a way to format and batch upload multiple choice quizzes for studio videos.

Problem statement:

Problem: Studio's video quiz functions allows users to create interactive content over the lecture videos. But the quizzes must be individually created at given time stamps. Given a semester, I have over 21 videos that has to be broke up into 40 videos. Imagine having to do the interactive quizzes for 40 videos at multiple time points on each video. It's daunting. Use case: Interactive contents like multiple choice quizzes over the lecture videos allow students to engage the material more effectively.

Proposed solution:

Videos have captions with time stamps which can be batch created using Microsoft Word's dictate or transcribe functions which can then be converted into plain text captions online. This can then be used in studio as the captions with proper timestamps for the video lectures on studio. Quizzes can also be created in a batch using plaintext format indicating right answers and feedbacks for the wrong answers, which is then converted into xml file and uploaded to canvas as qti files. So similarly, give us a way to batch create the quizzes to be overlaid in the video lectures in text format, so that they can simply be uploaded to the studio. Or at least give us a way to navigate the file structure in studio like you would in windows explorer, so that we can see what files are in there and which format they're in, so we can at least come up with some kind of a hack of a sort, so we can do it on our own. (like we do with batch making quizzes and captions)

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Status changed to: New

@SeanKim, thank you for submitting the Idea! 

We will soon improve video quizzing in Studio. Sharing quizzes, a more easier way to create them in general and new question types will be our priority. We'll keep this in mind as well, so I added it to the associate Theme. 

Status changed to: Added to Theme