[Studio] Canvas studio integration using LTI 1.3
In current Canvas Studio, it only supports LTI 1.0 and not LTI 1.3. This blocks us to integrate Studio with our third party application like LOREE (Mastedly) from Crystal Delta solutions pvt ltd. Until we get the LTI 1.3 support, we are depending on Access Token based integration which blocks in many scenarios. For example, If I launch studio from Canvas editor, it makes the association with course and studio account collections and this enabled the embed URL. However, if I try the same from third party application, the association is not able to make and the URL shows Undefined. An example URL: https://crystaldelta.instructure.com/courses/1407/external_tools/retrieve?display=borderless&url=und...
Since the entire LTI security has been upgraded, we are looking for LTI 1.3 configuration for Canvas Studio. So that we can integrate with Third party applications like Loree and from there user can embed media files into course pages.